Faculdade de Letras - Língua Inglesa - CALTA : [15] Collection home page

Campus de Altamira / Bibliotecários: Irlaneide Cabral Fax: (93)2122-0613 E-mail: bibaltamira@ufpa.br

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2019Beliefs as lens to understand teachers' perspectives over english teaching and learningSANTOS, Adriele Pinto dosTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2022How does gamification engage public school students?SILVA, Denilson Deoclides daTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Monografia
2019Foreign language influence and the process of naming people: anthroponimic analysis of Letras students names who enrolled in the selection process 2019, Campus Altamira-ParáALVES, Adrielle Wandello de SouzaTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2019Phonetics and phonology as an intervention strategy to improve english learning among brazilian studentsROCHA, Danilo OliveiraTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2019O casamento do século: Orgulho e Preconceito de Jane AustenBARBOSA, Iara KessiaTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2019Mobile assisted language learning: teachers' perspectives on EFL classes in public schools at Altamira-PAMACHADO, Jardel FernandesTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2022Case study: Stardew Valley a technological game as tool to enrich english classesMUNIZ, Jhessy Eduarda SoaresTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2019The role of input in learning english in an immersion context: a case studySANTOS, Joice Keleen RibeiroTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Monografia
2022The use of playfulness as a resource in the teaching-learning processARAUJO, Luana ValentimTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Monografia
2019The influence of english teachers' motivation in their teaching practicesLIMA, Mírian Celerino dos AnjosTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2022An analysis of the portrayal of the gender performance of Viola in Twelfth Night and She's the ManSANTOS, Sofia Paez Lindoso dosTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Monografia
2022The perception of english language teaching-learning as FL/L3 by ICEPSA-Altamira deaf in non-bilingual schoolsLANGER, Rosiane dos SantosTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2022The teaching methodological and pedagogic practice analysis for teaching english as FL/L3 for deaf studentsCARDOSO, Kimberly Marjórie dos SantosTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Artigo
2022Mangas as a strategic resource in english language teachingCOSTA, Gleuciane Milena Delduch daTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Monografia
2022Perception about english language acquisition through remote teaching at the public school of the city of PlacasMELO, Adriana dos SantosTrabalho de Curso - Graduação - Monografia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15